Thursday, July 16, 2009

day one of the quest

well today was pretty crapy im not ganna lie it sucked realy bad my morning was great cuz i found this site then my after noon went to hell now my evening is getting prety good my mom come home and told me i was going to military school i realy diddent believe that jive she was spiting my brother and i are finaly cool he has calmed down and i have calmed down so you know where okay now its one of thoses things where your like is this realy ganna work i havent got to play digimon or pokemon and i lost about $180 from my ps3 funds but what ever iv seen more money in my life time so wat ever you know how there is atleast one kid in your family that no one likes well i learnd that is me in my family so im going to get a job and get my own money so i wont have to ask my mom for crap any more so i have my money and no one eleses cash well you get the picture lol the first thing imgoing to buy is a ps3 cuz iv been waiting for 4 months to get one but no one ever helped me like they said they would my big brothers child is a pain in the @$$ she is anoying but i love her to death and i cant help but to smile when ever i see her im not realy goood at blogging but atleast im trying to do better to love and be a good uncle well that was my day prety much day ill make a nother blog for tommorw so later days

about me kinda

hey guys... and girls im koopa and ima 15 year old gamer with no life and well iv been thinking about blogging but never really got around to it and when i did i went brain dead so i just threw something random out there and im ganna give it a shot if you cant tell im really bad at grammar and spelling things out so bare with me please well for this first post im going to tell u what im into my likes and my diss likes stuff like that so here i go.

well again im koopa im a 15 year old gamer i dont have much friends cuz im bad at talking to people but the friends i do have are the best in the word im bad at saying what i really think so i keep it inside i love to play pokemon and digimon they are kinda like crack but alot worse im in love with anime and manga im a verry smart kid im just verry lazy and when i say im very lazy im like the next shikamaru but worse but when it comes down to homework iv changed my ways alot and started to do my work i noticed that friends are like pets they come and go. now for my love life im not verry good at talking to girls infact im very bad at it and i dont think i look that good girls usaly dont talk to me so pplz think im gay cuz i dont want to talk to girls to tell you the truth girls scare me i think the perfect girl is a girl that is nice plays video games and reads manga and watch cartoons and anime i dunno why but that is just so kool to me. my favorite food is either pizza or anything asain i love asain food as for my farorite drink it would have to be a mix of rootbeer limonaid sprie and tea i dunno but its so good and some times it turns into a funny green color now my favorite video game that is hard my favorite handheld game is pokemon and myfavorite game of all time is a tie between 3 games harvest moon animal crossing and digimon if u havent played any of them BURN! when im not playing maple story or wasteing my life on digimon or gaia i like to read... manga i can finish a manga about 3 times in a few hours i love all things japaness and i love cannada that leaf is so cool ima a random boy that acts like a little kid i dont think im ganna change for any body my favorite color is purple my favorite cartoon is chowder a pup named scooby doo and flapjack and the weekenders i am hateing cartoonnetwork now cuz they fnished tonami AFTER 11YEARS and took every thing good off and now there play real shows on CARTOONNETWORK that realy dont make much sencen to me but hey thats there cup of tea and i dunno about you pplz but i HATE 4kids tv they take every thing and ruin it like one piece yu gi oh... eric u know what im talking about and JUST EVRY THING it sucks well i can go on and on about how i hate 4kids but im not well thats all i can think of so later days